.@hunterpence is Marv from 'Home Alone'
"All the great ones leave their mark!" http://t.co/4EcLRTHufg pic.twitter.com/C0NdoPoPAF
— @TheBuzzer (@TheBuzzerOnFOX) October 22, 2014
.@Cardinals fans explain their #HunterPenceSigns, claim it’s too cold to wear capris: http://t.co/eXby8GYhmu
— Cut4 (@Cut4) October 13, 2014
It started in August 2014, and lasted into the offseason. In so doing it tapped into the cultural zeitgeist. Fans have long brought signs and large heads to the park, but all of a sudden they all had a common theme… enjoy our collection of Hunter Pence signs.
- Played Marv from Home Alone
- Is a Gatherer
- Lathers, rinses, does not repeat
- Still has a Blockbuster card
- Has Sharknado insurance
- Lives in a van down by the river
- Struggles with long division
- Rescues puppies
- Calls his mother
- Dresses as Jayson Werth on Halloween
- Shops local
- Recycles
- Calls it soda
- Thinks game of thrones is just ok
- Whispers sorry when he catches a fly ball
- Brings 13 items to the express lane
- Eats sub sandwiches sideways
- Superman wears hunter pence underwear
- Pyjamas look like his uniform
- Hates bacon
- Prefers baths
- Can’t parallel park
- Can’t shuffle playing cards
- Puts ketchup on his hot dog
- Likes the godfather 3
- Is a good sport
- Prefers store brand cereal
- Bedazzles his phone
- Eats pizza with a fork
- Returns library books before they are due so others can enjoy them as well
- Has an AOL email address
- Drives the speed limit in the passing lane
- Still uses MySpace
- Prefers internet explorer
- Has a Kenny G playlist
- Keeps his t-shirt on while swimming
- Does not remove do not remove tags on pillows
- Wears sandals with shorts
- Helps old ladies cross the street
- Thinks SF stands for center field
- Thinks ghost runners should be allowed
- Doesn’t torrent
- Uses dialup
- Bought a hunter pence jersey online
- Boogieman looks for Hunter Pence under his bed
- Eats soup with a fork
- Puts his pants on two legs at a time
- Wears capris
- Does not like Christmas
- Doesn’t like toasted ravioli
- Likes pumpkin spice lattes
- Likes his own selfies
- Is all about treble and not the bass
- Uses Google +
- Never mistakes You’re for Your
- Coined the phrase “Cool Story Bro!”
- Sharks dedicate a week to Hunter Pence
- Keeps up with the Karashians
- Doesn’t tell house guests his wifi password
- Cooks his hotdogs in the microwave
- Owns multiple Lebron James jerseys
- Asks clown questions
- Orders cheese pizza
- Always makes his bed
- Washes behind his ears
- Steals souvenirs from fans
- Doesn’t say Hi back to the walmart greeter
- Bought front row seats to a dog show
- Double Dips
- Is a close talker
- Doesn’t update his Antivirus
- Eats suggested servings sizes
- Can’t tie his own tie
- Prefers Festivus
- Is a re-gifter
- Hunter Pence, yada yada yada
- Is an anti-dentite
- Is a ribbon bully